Aaaarrrrrgh!!*!!*!! Do you scream every time you hear your
kids say in that whiney, all-too familiar tone, "I want it, I need it, all the other
kids have it." Do you hate your own financial planning and wonder how you can
possibly help your child understand that money doesn't grow on trees?
What century-old activity do 80 percent of Americans
participate in, both off- and online, that saved them $4.7 billion last year?
Parents are their children's first teachers. So how can you
teach your children to manage money wisely?
Teaching your teenager the basics of personal money
management may just require some dollars and sense.
Properly drafting and executing a will can help parents
protect children with special needs, especially in states that have set procedures for
distributing estates when there is no will.
Kids always seem to be asking their parents for money.
Whether it's an increase in their allowance, money to buy the latest tech toy or a cool
outfit for the first day back to school, one thing's for sure -- they want it. And the
older they get, the more they want.