Management Calculator - Portfolio Insight melds Valuation, Statistical Logic,
and Risk Management techniques of the world's top investors into one simple, easy-to-use
Java Interface. The model is designed to provide investors with a consistent framework for
decision-making that leads to better portfolio performance and reduced risk. Full tutorial
included, feel free to play around!
Calculator - Figure out how much your paycheck should be each week, enter
your income and withholdings and your taxes are figured out with your final take home pay.
Distance Rate Calculator - Find out how much you can save just by switching
long distance companies.
Calculator - Figure out your income based on hourly or yearly wages, perfect
for job hunting.
Interest Calculator - It really does add up!
Calculator - Figure out how much you can save over a period of time by
entering the amount and interest level - see how much you can save just by cutting out
cable or soda!
Calculator - See how much you'll earn if you sell your stock.
- Try creating a simple spreadsheet with our script, no need to open excel!
Math Quiz
- This one's just for fun - try it with the kids!