Sometimes I miss the old days when men knew how to fix
anything and women sat back and watched. Unfortunately, we live in an age when most men
haven't been taught how to put a nail in the wall, or so I've been led to believe by my
Grocery stores put sales on items in certain seasons. Stock
up when they are on sale and you can save a bundle.
One of the easiest ways to save money is by shopping seasonal
sales. By learning when each household item goes on sale, you can save hundreds of dollars
a year.
Are you afraid to open your electricity bill each month? Do
you wish you had your neighbor's bill instead of your own? Most of my neighbors wish they
had my electric bill because it's the lowest in the neighborhood!
Here are a few facts and figures about water you may care to
drink in.
Filling up at the gas pump has become a draining experience,
to say the least. With gasoline prices at their highest levels in years, drivers are
beginning to seek ways to improve their autos' fuel efficiency.
While many homeowners struggle with heating and
air-conditioning costs, few realize the answer could lie within their walls-in the
Now might be a great time to get back on track with plans to
quit smoking, give up that daily doughnut, or cut back on calories or little luxuries.
While many people realize the physical benefits of these changes, few consider the
monetary rewards that can be gained.
Its in all the newsthe rising cost of home
heating. As millions of Americans feel "sticker shock" when opening their
heating bills this winter, there is some good news for consumers. Consumers can lower
their heating bills by following these simple, cost-efficient tips.
To take the chill out of winter, a growing number of
Americans across the country plan to keep their homes cozy and comfortable by filling up
on propane for their furnaces, water heaters, cooktops and fireplaces. In addition to
providing warmth for your home and family, propane ensures a steady energy supply during
winter storms when power outages are likely.